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Top 10 Hospitality Technology Solutions in 2022

عضو ماسي
هنية تامرعضو ماسي
الدولة : الاردن
المشاركات+ : 552
نقاط الخبرة+ : 6974
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/04/2021
مُساهمةموضوع: Top 10 Hospitality Technology Solutions in 2022  Top 10 Hospitality Technology Solutions in 2022 I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 05 أبريل 2022, 1:28 am

Not so long ago, hotels businesses were just about providing comfortable space for people. Simply, it was a place for guests to rest their heads when they were away from home.
But, in the last several years, the hospitality technology role has drastically expanded.
In many cases, hospitality and technology are becoming the beads of activity themselves. This means that most activities rely directly or indirectly on technology. Thus, it makes hospitality technology more vital for operations and the guest experience than ever before.

Top 10 Hospitality Technology Solutions in 2022 S

Hoteliers now need to be aware of the latest hospitality technology solutions. That's why we are here to share the top 10 of the latest hospitality technology.
-Touchless controls
The pandemic effect has shed a light on reconsidering how visitors can interact with amenities. From advancements in IoT devices, motion sensors to turn the lights on, to voice-activated control of appliances. This has given hospitality owners the toolkit to merge these new technologies with their integrated guest applications to provide exceptional experiences.

-Automated Service with AI
Automation continues to be a trend that is changing the way guests are served. With the advances in Artificial Intelligence, hotels are seeking new ways to interact with visitors digitally; which in turn will help hotel staff to concentrate on other tasks.
Another advantage of this is that it will improve the visitors' travel experience. Because there will be no language barrier, ensuring clear communication with visitors no matter they are from
That is just to name a few.

From touchless and interactive service to integrated cloud communications, the potential for the hospitality industry to take the guest experience to the next level has never been as it is today. The global situation has changed the ways people communicate and expect hotels to engage with them. These advancements are convenient and crucial for the long-term success of your hotel.

BITS Arabia is the leading provider of hospitality technology systems in Saudi Arabia. So, Check these hospitality technology solutions out and contact BITS Arabia and get your hotel the technology it needs accordingly. As it is said, in hospitality, every advantage counts.

Top 10 Hospitality Technology Solutions in 2022

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